VERY effective at fixing prideful behavior—these lads face such discipline into their early 20s!
He would plead, to no avail. How he burned with shame. But what a treat for the many amused onlookers! People loved to visit, hoping for a glimpse
You are not to turn around
He won’t be cussing at his at the neighbor anytime soon
Stepdad really took his time when it was just the two of them at home
What led to his step-daddy's more thorough approach when it's just the two of them, one wonders.
Maybe it's his otherwise divided attentions when other family members are around.
Maybe it's to spare his step-son from the excess embarrassment.
Whatever it is, it can NOT possibly be due to any nefarious rationale on the step father's part. In fact, any young man examining the encounter, and arguing for unseemly, carnal motive to the paternal spanking, should himself be subjected to a similar lesson (in private) with his own step father; so, he can feel for himself just how 'wrong' he was!
The man told himself it was to instill discipline, but he couldn’t resist the thrill of putting his hands all over those naked cheeks
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