Sunday, January 12, 2025

Making Jello

19 year old Steve’s cruel stepsisters loved to tease him about being able to watch his naked humiliation. Their constant tattling on him for things he was innocent of ensured frequent spankings. His young, strict stepdad would always spank both cheeks a deep scarlet, and would take his time between smacks. The whole ordeal could take an hour—not counting the “baring”, the naked hour or two spent forced to show off along a wall, no covering—facing in or out, depending on the day. The sweet delight of watching those jiggly cheeks turn a deeper and deeper shade of red—a physical manifestation of the lads pain and shame—it was like “making jello”!

The face of a very ashamed boy realizing he won’t get his covering back the rest of the night

Sunday, January 5, 2025

The Cyclops

19 year old James’ step-siblings relished his humiliation whenever he earned a spanking, which seemed to be nearly ever week, and always delivered fully nude. Watching him forced to stand on his utmost tiptoes, bent over the sofa, legs as apart as he could stand, with his exposed midriff bits swinging or jiggling with each smack as he struggled not to fall over—it was like a comedy show! They had a few recurring favorite taunts.

“The cyclops is blushing!” called one of the girls. James’ position revealed what looked like a squinting eye between his reddening cheeks—and in this position, his lower half was all they saw!